Crowley, C. & Lodge, H. (2019). Younger Next Year: Live Strong, Fit, Sexy, and Smart-Until 80 and Beyond (2nd ed). New York: Workman Publishing Group.
Reading, yes, but may I also add "again" to that. I have read this volume several times and actually purchased it several times as well. I keep giving them away and have to replace them. Which should tell you all you need to know about how I feel about this work! In fact, I will give it credit for starting me on my transformation journey. To be fair, it did take a few years and readings to convince me. But, when I decided Harry's Rules were for me, it was on! This book has millions of followers, has been published in multiple languages, and has spawned many other works. To be sure, it is indeed worthy of such accolades.
Chris Crowley and Dr. Henry Lodge (who is an internist as well as a gerontologist) teamed up to provide a convincing argument on the importance of training for the next third of life. Although the first edition is written to men, I had no problem applying it to my queen-aged self. They later wrote a special edition for women, but I didn't find it necessary. In fact, I prefer the second edition as I appreciated the addition of the works of the Dr. Allen Hamilton, a Harvard-trained brain surgeon, who wrote on protecting the health of the brain. Together, they make the argument that it is possible to deter or delay as much as 70% of the "normal" concerns with aging (you know, daily aches and pain, weakness and fatigue, issues with balance, etc.) and that half of all serious illness and injury is avoidable. They approached the framework of the book in a clean partnership, writing from each personality and knowledge bank. Mr. Crowley wrote from a lot of personal experiences with a bare and honest picture of his aging self (70 years old at the time of writing and now beyond 90!). Dr. Lodge then addressed the same content in Mr. Crowley's chapter with a great deal of supporting scientific evidence and explanation. Being a physiology buff, I liked those chapters, but you can simply skip if you'd like. Both authors also added valuable discussion about the necessary work we need to do in terms of commitment and connection in everyday social life.
Yes, there's a great deal of talk about exercise and nutrition which certainly are vital to health, strength and beauty, but it goes beyond that. They are greatly persuasive in terms of getting the reader to understand why you don't want to just sit down and wait for the end to come! I can tell you; I have practiced Harry's Rules for the past couple years, and I know that I know I am younger now than I was when I began! No, I'm not going to be a spoiler and tell you the rules. The book is definitely worth your consideration, and I encourage you to let it begin your transformation!